Sunday, September 16, 2012

What A Successful Event Looks Like...

If you look at other large arena events like sports or concerts or anything of those sorts... Success is measured by an awesome light show, no equipment going haywire, all the merchandise being sold, all the seats being sold out, camera people getting awesome shots.
... But I don't measure a successful event by those. I wouldn't even measure a successful event by things going smoothly.

....I measure an event on if God shows up or not...

If things like THIS don't happen. It's all worthless. The drama doesn't matter. The speakers don't matter. The merch doesn't matter. The team doesn't matter. The headcount or the amount of money we make doesn't matter. The worship band doesn't matter. The lights, the video, the audio... Doesn't matter. His presence is what makes a successful event...

Sunday, September 9, 2012

How You Can Help

So I did the math, and I figured out that if I get a donor to donate a certain amount of money each month, I'd be covered for my whole year. How much is that amount you ask? Well it depends on the day! Let me explain. There are 31 days, maybe 30 days in a month. I need a donor a day. Depending on what day you pick, is how much money that day is.

Example: Say you pick the 15th. Every 15th of the month you'd donate $15. 
If you pick the 1st, every 1st of the month you'd donate $1.

This way I can keep track of who my donors are and keep in touch with them and send them regular updates on tour. :)

If you'd like to help, please message me on here or on Facebook!

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Unconditional Love

"I mean... I remember being of the world. Being a drug addict. Being a mess. And all my friendships were around that common addiction. And they loved me unconditionally and were always there for me. Now that I'm saved, you'd think that because of our one common addiction, Jesus, it'd be the same but even more so. But for some reason, I'm not finding that." - Anonymous friend of mine

... Dang.

Being on the ministry team is so full of opportunities. Loving people is one of them. One thing the Lord is teaching me is just that. When you think about the conditions that a ministry teamer lives in, you'd think we'd all hate each other. Well, that is true. If you choose it.

I live on a bus full of 40 people for eight months. I work with them, I live with them, I spend all my days in those eight months, and well, even a year with them, really. Within those 40 so people are different personalities, different quarks, different insecurities, different downfalls, different sins, different stories.

I have already heard, "OH MY GOSH! I WANT TO PUNCH ______ IN THE FACE BECAUSE SHE DOES THIS!" Or, "Oh my gosh... Did you know that ____ has these thoughts?"

Well let me tell you something... Did you know that sometimes the words I use to talk to some people aren't so Christian like? Did you know that I have anger in my heart sometimes? Did you know I have jealousy in my heart sometimes? Did you know that sometimes my shoes smell bad? Did you know that I can get lazy and slow down the work process and cause some people to get less sleep? Did you know that sometimes I might lash out in anger or frustration at you?

Well, if you didn't... You do now. And I hope you still love me despite of those things.
If you're thinking, "Wow. Why would I still love you?" I'd check your heart.

Oh, and did you know that I am working on those things with an open heart with God?

... Being on the ministry team allows you to see your teammates imperfections, insecurities and sin. It also gives you the choice to look past them and see a imperfect child of God, just like you are and love them. ... Or not.

Here are some scriptures on unconditional love.

Romans 5:8

1 John 4:8

1 Corinthians 13:1-13

1 John 4:18

Luke 6:27

"Unconditional love is a term that means to love someone regardless of their qualities or actions."