Sunday, October 21, 2012

Toronto, Canada

Oooooh Canadaaaaaaaa.

Well, my second Canadian experience has been very well. :)

We had to sneak people into the country, we got to walk around the city of Toronto, got to see Niagara Falls again, and I felt the Lord in an overwhelming way and learned once again how faithful He is to answer prayer.

The Lord put a deep, deep hunger and thirst and desire for His presence this weekend. I felt like David when he said in the Psalms, "As the deer pants for streams of water so my soul pants for you, oh God. My soul thirsts for God, for the living God. When can I go meet with God?" My heart was literally being broken because I wanted His presence so desperately.

Fast forward to Saturday night. ... I couldn't handle it anymore. I needed Him. So we get into worship, and about halfway through the worship set, we start singing You Won't Relent.

The screens were black.

And I got extremely overwhelmed by the presence of God in the room. So overwhelmed that I just sat down on the stairs going up to the stage and just cried my eyes out. I didn't even get camera shots. After ten minutes of crying, I got up, went up the stage to get some shots, and got even more overwhelmed and started crying even harder lol. It was totally insane. The Lord is so good.

Another quick testimony for the weekend, there was this kid in a wheelchair that was at the front of the concert line every single concert and worship set. The Lord really put Him on my heart as soon as I saw him. I didn't get any opportunities to go pray with him, but something cool did happen regardless. He didn't get healed or anything, but at the very end of the event, the speaker calls the attendees to live their life for Christ in such a way that is relentless. To relentlessly pursue Him, the things of Him, and His people. As I was watching the crowd one by one stand to their feet, he stood out to me, even though he was pretty far out there. I watched him grab his friends shoulders around him, drag himself out of his chair and stand to his feet. His friends had to hold him up, but none the less it was still an answered prayer. I wanted to see him stand up.

The Lord did some great things up here in Canada! There's a lot more, but I'm not going to list them all off for you. :)

I am now here in my teammates hometown of Gwelf(?), Ontario(?) lol. The next few days are going to be full of rest. Praise the Lord because I am pretty dang tired. We also get to lead a youth service tomorrow night!

Well, if you have any questions, go ahead and ask them. :)
And here's the highlight video!

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